
name: NXmonochromator category: base doc: “Draft extension of NXmonochromator to include fields to describe the use of monochromators in photoemission experiments.” symbols: doc: The symbols used in the schema to specify e.g. dimensions of arrays nx: Number of points in a spectrum (NXobject): energy(NX_FLOAT): unit: NX_ENERGY doc: “Central energy ” energy_error(NX_CHAR): doc: “Energy standard deviation” … Read more


name: NXbeam category: base doc: “Draft extension of NXbeam to include fields to describe ultra-short pulsed sources and details relevant for photoemission.” symbols: doc: The symbols used in the schema to specify e.g. dimensions of arrays nx: Number of pixels of the chirp spectrum (NXobject): distance(NX_FLOAT): unit: NX_LENGTH doc: “Distance from the sample” pulse_energy(NX_FLOAT): unit: … Read more


name: NXaperture category: base doc: “Draft extension of NXaperture to describe apertures in electron analysers.” (NXobject): description(NX_CHAR): doc: “Description of the type of aperture, i.e. slit, pinhole, iris ” shape(NX_CHAR): doc: “Shape of the aperture, i.e. straight or curved for slits, circle, square hexagon, octagon, bladed for pinholes and irises.” size(NX_NUMBER): unit: NX_LENGTH doc: “The … Read more


name: NXinstrument category: base doc: “Draft extension of NXinstrument to include fields to describe laboratory based experiments.” (NXobject): name(NX_CHAR): doc: “Name or model of the equipment” \@short_name(NX_CHAR): doc: “Acronym or other shorthand name” description(NX_CHAR): doc: “Short description of the instrument, possibly reference to a technical publication”